Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

family photo

So, Ezra is almost 11 weeks and we are thinking that he is finally turning the corner on his colicky behavior. We have been reluctant to say that Ezra was/is colicky. But as our dear friend Lauren pointed out, "if your baby is normal you don't ask yourself everyday if he has colic" True True. We have been wondering about his colic since the beginning...and then he smiles and has a few hours of calm and we think, "no, not Ezra." Yes, Ezra.

The past couple of days he has been taking naps like a little champ, is all smiles when he wakes up, has been cooing and talking. Very little of his time is spent screaming and fussing. We are praying that this continues and the screaming is a thing of the past.

For the first time since the quiet ride home from the hospital Ezra has been silent in the car. Not only is he not screaming but he actually falls asleep. Today we went to Microsoft to visit Jon at work and Ezra cried when I put him in the carseat but soon fell fast asleep and slept all the way there and repeated the same thing on our way home. I have found that driving in the car without Ezra screaming makes me want to leave the house more and I begin to think of all the possibilities that are now seemingly open to us...oh the joys of a quiet babe in the car.

Ezra had his 2 month check-up yesterday, he is in the 90% of height and weight. Kind of feel bad for squishing him into newborn sized clothes this whole time. He is 13.7 lbs. and 24" long!!


Waking up stretches!!

Little sailor

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

2 1/2 months old!

It is hard to believe that Ezra is already 2 1/2 months old. In a lot of ways it feels like he is much older than that and that he has always been apart of our lives and family. He has officially grown out of all of his "newborn" sized clothes. (This morning I squeezed him into a very tight onesie and had a moment that I wasn't sure he was going to be able to get out of it, the thought crossed my mind that I would actually have to cut him out. No worries a little maneuvering and I got him out and the onesie is intact.)

At 2 1/2 months Ezra has gone to 2 concerts at the zoo. Went to Port Townsend for the weekend. Just got back from a camping trip with the Packs over at Cama Beach State Park. Gone on lots of walks and has seen a lot of his friends.

A few likes:
--Papasan swing. He has just begun to love this swing in the past couple of days.
--Bath time. Still a love of his. He can be screaming but once he gets in his bathtub he is completely calm. Kicking his legs in the water and looking all around.
--being held and walked around.
--tummy time mat. He spends a bit of time here each day looking around. He has taken an interest in the animals that dangle above his head.

dislikes (for Ezra these should be called detestable things, because when he doesn't like something he really doesn't like it):

As he is getting older more of his sweet personality is coming out. He loves to smile and it almost looks like he is trying to laugh but the sound isn't coming out, very cute. He is beginning to talk and his voice is adorable. We are sooo in love with our little man.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The life of Ezra, the past six weeks...

Ezra is a couple days away from being officially six weeks old! Wow, the time has really flown by. Looking at him now we keep thinking how big he has gotten. We can see how he is filling out and getting even more snuggly and chubby--and then we look at the tags on his clothes and he is still wearing newborn sized clothes. Reality check-he is still really little.

Some of Ezra's favorite things:
Tummy time--or more appropriate back time. He spends a little bit of time at least twice a day hanging out here. He is not all that interested in the hanging animals above him as he is at checking out our house around him.

Bouncy seat--he likes to hang out here and look around.

Baby Bjorn--he enjoys walking around. He generally starts out the walk with using his incredible neck strength to hold up his head and look around. Once the looking is completed he falls asleep. A few evenings a week I load him up into the bjorn and head to the park across the street and swing on the swings, he likes it.

Being swaddled and held. He loves to be held. He spends a lot of time being held, a favorite way to fall asleep.

Things Ezra doesn't like:
Car seat! and the car. The moment we put him in the car he screams. Where most babies will fall asleep after they have cried loudly for awhile, not Ezra his crying seems to refuel him for more. He will literally scream and cry for the entire drive, regardless of how long we are driving.

That sums up Ezra's little life. We love him so much and look at him in awe everyday at how wonderful and amazing he is. We are so blessed by God to have such a wonderful little boy to raise and love.

Monday, August 4, 2008