Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Solid Foods: Take One

We gave Ezra some avocado for his first taste of solid food. He LOVED it!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

6 month stats

Ezra is just a little his 6 month check-up:
Weight 16lbs 12oz (<50%ile)
Height 25 1/4"( >10%ile)
Head was 17 1/4" (50%ile)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

6 months!

Ezra is 6 months old! Wow, already half a year has gone by. Each day with Ezra is such a blessing. He is truly wonderful. His sweet little personality is really starting to show through. He loves to smile, laugh, talk, chew on anything and be carried around. He enjoys playing on his tummy time mat, practicing rolling over and attempting to begin to crawl. Ultimately, he loves to be carried around looking at everything.

Seeing him become a calm little boy is such a change from the colicky infant that he was just a few months back. Now, if only we can get him to sleep at night...he is a strong willed little boy for sure.

Ezra's 1st Christmas