Friday, February 12, 2010

19 months

This is a bit delayed, but here it is nonetheless. Our sweet boy is 19 months.

  • Animals. He is still mastering knowing all animals and their corresponding sounds.
  • Airplanes, trucks, cars and trains. He has an eagle eye out for these at all times. And one of his favorite things is to go play trains at various train tables around town. We are regulars at the Wallingford center (2 train tables!!!)
  • Books. Ezra loves books. He has his favorites and loves reading books all day long. A favorite he has had for a while now is BABIES by Penny Gentieu (thanks Grannie!). Ezra loves to look at the baby, especially the one baby in the book that is crying. To that baby he says, "sad, crying."
  • Puzzles. This kid loves putting puzzles together and taking them apart.
  • Food. Milk in particular, I think he drinks close to a gallon a week.
  • Snuggles and kisses. He is so sweet. When he leaves he comes over to give kisses and hugs. Then says "bye bye"
  • Talking. He is good with his words. He knows most of the things that are involved in his daily life, which is a big help when he needs something we can usually decipher what he is saying. This helps circumvent some of the frustrations for him (and us)
  • Snow and water. We went to Whistler in January and Ezra LOVED LOVED LOVED the snow. He would probably stayed outside throwing it, eating it and stomping on it all day. And he still loves water. Looks like lots of swimming and skiing are in our future.
We love Ezra so much and love being his parents. This age is so much fun. It is really fun to take him places to watch him delight and explore new and familiar things.